Director, Hiro Kaburagi, character designer, Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, screenwriter, Ryota Kosawa, production, delivery of original animation "GREAT PRETENDER" presented by WITSTUDIO started on Netflix. This work is scheduled to be broadcast on TV from July, but it will be enjoyed about a month early on Netflix.
This work is an entertainment animation that is involved in the <Con Game>, which is a self-proclaimed “Japan's best genius swindler” Edamura Masato, a confidence man, Laurent, who takes even the mafia.
Netflix is delivering CASE1 (1 to 5 episodes), CASE2 (6 to 10 episodes) on June 9th, and CASE3 (11 to 14 episodes) on June 16th.
Great Pretender
Staff :
Director: Hiro Kaburagi
Screenplay/Series composition: Ryota Kosawa
Character design: Yoshiyuki Sadamoto
Sub-character design/total drawing director: Hirotaka Katou
Art director: Yuusuke Takeda
Photography director: Kazuto Izumida
Music: Yutaka Yamada
Acoustic Director: Shoji Hata
Animation Production: WIT STUDIO
Cast :
Masato Edamura : Chiaki Kobayashi
Laurent Thierry: Junichi Suwabe
Abigail Jones (Abby): Natsumi Fujiwara
Paula Dickins: Mie Sonozaki
This work is an entertainment animation that is involved in the <Con Game>, which is a self-proclaimed “Japan's best genius swindler” Edamura Masato, a confidence man, Laurent, who takes even the mafia.
Netflix is delivering CASE1 (1 to 5 episodes), CASE2 (6 to 10 episodes) on June 9th, and CASE3 (11 to 14 episodes) on June 16th.
Great Pretender
Visual Previews :
Edamura Masato |
Edamura Masato |
Abigail Jones and Laurent Thierry |
Paula Dickins |
Director: Hiro Kaburagi
Screenplay/Series composition: Ryota Kosawa
Character design: Yoshiyuki Sadamoto
Sub-character design/total drawing director: Hirotaka Katou
Art director: Yuusuke Takeda
Photography director: Kazuto Izumida
Music: Yutaka Yamada
Acoustic Director: Shoji Hata
Animation Production: WIT STUDIO
Cast :
Masato Edamura : Chiaki Kobayashi
Laurent Thierry: Junichi Suwabe
Abigail Jones (Abby): Natsumi Fujiwara
Paula Dickins: Mie Sonozaki
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