Bakuten!! is an upcoming original Japanese anime television series animated by Zexcs, directed by Toshimasa Kuroyanagi and written by Toshizo Nemoto. Original character designs are provided by Robico, the author of My Little Monster, while Yūki Shibata adapts the designs for animation. Yuki Hayashi is composing the series' music.
The series is part of the "Zutto Ōen Project 2011 + 10...", commemorating the 10th anniversary of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. It is scheduled to premiere on Fuji TV's Noitamina programming block in April 2021.
Centimillimental will perform the series' opening theme song "Seishun no Enbu". A new preview and Visual is revealed
Synopsis -
The story follows Shoutarou Futaba, a boy who's fascinated with men's rhythmic gymnastics and enrolled at the Soshukan High School to join the school's team. The story follows a team of unique seniors and Yoshiya Misato, a classmate who's famous in high school rhythmic gymnastics tournaments, who run together toward one goal.
Source - Official Website
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