Farewell, My Dear Cramer is a Japanese manga series by Naoshi Arakawa about women's association football. The series has been serialized in Kodansha's Monthly Shōnen Magazine since May 2016 and has been collected in thirteen tankōbon volumes. It is a direct sequel to Arakawa's earlier manga series Sayonara, Football, which was serialized in Magazine E-no from June 2009 to August 2010 and collected in two tankōbon volumes. Both series are published in print and in digital in North America by Kodansha Comics.
An anime film adaptation of Sayonara, Football is scheduled to premiere in April 1, 2021. Recently they released a new visual.
Synopsis -
With no soccer accomplishments to speak of during the entirety of Sumire Suou's junior high school years, the young wing gets an odd offer. Suou's main rival, Midori Soshizaki, invites her to join up on the same team in high school, with a promise that she'll never let Suou "play alone." It's an earnest offer, but the question is whether Suou will take her up on it. Thus the curtain opens on a story that collects an enormous cast of individual soccer-playing personalities!
Source - Official Website
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