Uramichi Oniisan is a Japanese comedy manga series by Gaku Kuze. It has been serialized online via Ichijinsha's Comic POOL digital manga magazine since 2017 and has been collected in five tankÅbon volumes. The manga series has been licensed in North America by Kodansha USA. An anime television series adaptation by Studio Blanc is scheduled to premiere in July 2021.
Also a new teaser visual is also released.
Uramichi Omota is a 31-year-old man who works as a gymnastics instructor for "Together with Mama," an educational show for kids. In front of his young audience, he has to display a happy-go-lucky and energetic demeanor. Outside of his job and sometimes even in front of the cameras, he cannot help but slip back into his true personality, which is the opposite of his TV counterpart. In truth, he is miserable and fed-up with his current lifestyle.
Uramichi Oniisan is a dark comedy that reveals the not-so-bright reality of adulthood using its characters as unfortunate examples.
Source - Official Website
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