Bastard!! is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kazushi Hagiwara. It began its serialization in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump in 1988 and has continued irregularly in Ultra Jump since 2000, with its latest chapter released in 2010. Recently an anime adaptation is also announced for the series and on February 10th 2022, a special event held to unveil the preview and theme song artists.
The anime will be of 2 cour series with a total of 24 episodes. The anime opening theme song will be performed by coldrain and ending by Tielle but theme song names are not yet revealed.
Additional Bastard!! anime cast is also revealed
- Lucien Renlen (CV: Kanae Ito)
- Abigail (CV: Tomokazu Sugita)
- Kall-Su (CV: Kensho Ono)
- Sheila Tuel Meta-llicana (CV: Nao Toyama)
Bastard!! is one of Shueisha's best-selling manga series of all time, with over 30 million copies sold by 2008. Twenty-seven collected tankōbon volumes have been released as of 2012.
The manga was adapted into a six-episode original video animation (OVA) series by AIC, released from 1992 to 1993. The OVA was released in North America by Pioneer in 1998. An original net animation (ONA) adaptation by Liden Films will be released worldwide on Netflix in 2022.
Hagiwara is an enthusiastic fan of heavy metal music and Dungeons and Dragons, using ideas from both of these in the Bastard!! story. Many characters and places in the story, for instance, are named after members of Hagiwara's favourite bands.
Source - Official Website
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