Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture Anime Series Set for Japanese Theatrical Release in Three Acts, Exclusively Streamed by Disney from Late June (12-episode Length)

Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture Anime Series Set for Japanese Theatrical Release in Three Acts, Exclusively Streamed by Disney from Late June (12-episode Length)

Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture Anime Series Set for Japanese Theatrical Release in Three Acts, Exclusively Streamed by Disney from Late June (12-episode Length)

Anime fans, mark your calendars as the much-anticipated new series "Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture" is set to begin its Japanese theatrical release this May. The first act of this anime adaptation will hit screens on May 10, with subsequent acts following closely behind. Fans can look forward to Act 2 on June 7 and Act 3 on July 5.

For those unable to attend screenings in person, Disney has secured exclusive streaming rights for the show outside of Japan starting late June. This means that audiences worldwide will be able to enjoy each episode from their own homes as they are released in Japan. The entire series consists of a total length of twelve episodes spread across these four acts.

The latest installment in Sunrise's Code Geass franchise promises an enthralling narrative filled with intrigue and suspenseful twists – elements that have become synonymous with the beloved property since its original run over a decade ago. With stunning visuals and an all-new cast brought together by director Gorō Taniguchi (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex), expectations for "Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture" are skyrocketing among fans both old and new alike. Stay tuned for more updates regarding character reveals, plot details, and further information about this highly anticipated return to Lelouch Lamperouge's world!

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